Classification project


Published writing and impacts

Grealy, Liam, Driscoll, Catherine, and Cather, Kirsten. 2020. A History of Age-based Film Classification in Japan. Japan Forum.

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Cole, Rachel. 2020. For Mature Audiences: Australian Media Classification and Sexual Violence on Screen from 1983 to 1995. Continuum.

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Grealy, Liam, Driscoll, Catherine, Wang, Bin, and Yongchun, Fu. 2019, Resisting Age-ratings in China: The Ongoing Prehistory of Film Classification. Asian Cinema. 30(1): 53-71.

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Grealy, Liam, Driscoll, Catherine, and Andrea Limberto. 2019. The Children are Watching: A History of Age-Rating Television in Brazil. International Journal of Communication. 13: 1-19.

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Driscoll, Catherine & Liam Grealy. 2018. In the Name of the Nation: Media Classification, Globalisation, and Exceptionalism. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 1-17.

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Grealy, Liam. 2016. Challenging the Censor: An Interview with Political Documentarian Rakesh Sharma. Bright Lights Cinema Journal. 2 December.

Grealy, Liam & Catherine Driscoll. 2015. The Plastic Adolescent: Classification and Minority. In M. Watkins, G. Noble & C. Driscoll (eds), Cultural Pedagogies and Human Conduct, (pp. 63-77). London & New York: Routledge.

Driscoll, Catherine & Liam Grealy. 2014. Media Classification and Parental Guidance (Classificacao etaria e orientacao parental). In M. R. Gomes (ed.), Comunicacao e controle: Observacoes sobre liberdade, controle e interdicao de expressao (Communication and control: Notes on freedom, control and interdicted expression), (pp. 61-82; 83-102). São Paulo: Intercom.

Driscoll, Catherine. 2011. Teen Film: A Critical Introduction. Oxford & New York: Berg.

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